Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tough competition for video of the day

There hasn't been an online video that's really caught my attention since this summer's masterful "Double Rainbow" remix, but today there were two three.

First up is "True Mud," the "Sesame Street" send-up of HBO's "True Blood." Yes, you read that right: "Sesame Street," the children's show, parodied "True Blood," the show where a guy twisted a girl's head around 180 degrees during some hot vampire-on-vampire action. Luckily, "Sesame Street" didn't take on that specific scene:

This episode was brought to you by the letter V and the number 666!

Between this and last week's Katy Perry/Elmo controversy, "Sesame Street" is really pushing the envelope lately. (Although I don't see what the big deal about Katy Perry's outfit was. To quote the old joke, Big Bird's been walking around without pants for decades, and nobody's said a word. And don't even get me started on Mr. Snuffleupagus.)

But for sheer comedic value, this video takes the cake. It really needs no introduction other than to say, "Wayne Brady. Mike Tyson. Bobby Brown."

UPDATE: After I originally posted this, um, post, I happened across yet another awesome video: this 8-bit version of Cee-Lo Green's "F You" with lyrics about Nintendo and Sega:


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